Category Archives: Information

The Church and Israel in the New Testament

This article was reprinted here, in total, with permission from Ligonier Ministries (see copyright info at the end of  the article). I concur with everything written in this article-Mark Oaks by Keith Mathison One of the most common questions asked by … Continue reading
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Liberals Are Not Leftists.

Liberals are not Leftists; there are major differences between the two.
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Christ Strengthens Me

The Apostle Paul wrote these words: “I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me.” This is my favorite verse in the entire Scripture.
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Modern Evangelicalism and its corollary the Church Growth Movement are distorting the Great Commission and the commission given us individually to be Christ’s witnesses. Witnessing is not a push to”get people saved.”
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Impeachment According to the US Constitution

Some American citizens, and also some citizens of other countries believe that impeachment removes the President of the United States from office. However, the Constitution states:
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Why Was There Peace in Ancient Rome?

There is a news report that a well known businessman bases some decisions on the policies of Roman Emperor Augustus Caesar. The report says that the businessman is impressed that Augustus was able to
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Is Christianity on the Decline?

You have probably heard that Christianity in America is on the decline and is on its way out; that it is just a matter of time until it disappears completely. We often hear that church
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Are You a Good Person Comic Strip

Meet Mr. Nice Guy. If good people go to heaven he will be first in line. Let’s find out how he stacks up against the Ten Commandments.
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6 Days Before Passover & Passion Week Graphic

The image at the end of this essay (below) is a graphic representation that lays out the narrative and timeline of the Crucifixion of Christ.It begins with the six days before Passover inscribed in John 12:1 and terminates with the … Continue reading
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Have We Been Given a Reprieve?

  Yes, I do believe that God has given us a reprieve with the election of Donald Trump.
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Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit 2

Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is: You must trust in Christ as your Savior to have your sins forgiven, and your sins must be forgiven if you want to go to heaven when you die.
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How to Be Saved

How to Be Saved Acknowledge that you are a sinner. “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). Believe that Jesus, who never sinned, died for your sins, was buried and was raised from … Continue reading
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What is Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?

Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is:
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How To Study The Bible

In this article are some helps for your Bible studies. May they be supportive in your examination of the Scriptures. Note: How-to Bible study guides abound in Bible bookstores. Perhaps you should go and look at some of them and … Continue reading
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The Christian Church in China

  Christianity in China is outlawed unless one is willing to join the state sponsored church known as the Three Self Patriotic Movement. Unfortunately that “church” has the Chinese government as its head unlike the true church which has Jesus … Continue reading
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The State of the Dead Before Judgment

This book is purported to be written by Ezra who was a captive in the country of the Medes in the reign of Artaxerxes, king of the Persians.(2 Esdras 1:3). In other words the same Ezra who wrote the Book … Continue reading
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Preservation and Psalm 12:6-7

There is a controversy concerning this passage. Before we deal with that controversy, let us consider the context of this passage.
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Hebrew and Greek Alphabets with Google Viewer

View the PDF file with Google Viewer
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My Commentary on the Ten Commandments.

Personal comments of Bro. Mark on the Ten Commandments.
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How I Lost Weight

Note: This is my story about how I lost weight. You should not follow my example but should consult your Doctor for advice on losing weight. It is simple. I merely cut my daily intake of carbs in half.
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  Download the Hebrew and Greek Alphabet alphabets.pdf Download the Searchable KJV Bible Download Pilgrim’s Progress as a Text File Pilgrim’s Progress.txt Download Pilgrim’s Progress in PDF Format Pilgrim’s Progress.pdf Download The Book of Enoch in PDF Format Enoch.pdf … Continue reading
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Are These United States a Democracy?

Updated 2/25/2013 No, we are a Constitutional Representative Republic, which is NOT a Democracy.
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A Brief Discussion of the Septuagint (LXX), A Greek Translation of the Old Testament A Brief Discussion of the Septuagint (LXX) A Greek Translation of the Old Testament The Septuagint is a Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible that was … Continue reading
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