Category Archives: Topical Studies

The Church Is Mentioned After Revelation Chapter 3.

  While the Greek word for church, εκκλεσια, ecclesia, is not mentioned after Revelation chapter three, the saints, which are the church, certainly are mentioned
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The Church and Israel in the New Testament

This article was reprinted here, in total, with permission from Ligonier Ministries (see copyright info at the end of  the article). I concur with everything written in this article-Mark Oaks by Keith Mathison One of the most common questions asked by … Continue reading
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Simon Son of Jonah

On the second day after John baptized Jesus, He saw Jesus coming toward him and witnessed to two of his disciples that were with him and told them that Jesus was the Christ. Those two
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When Was Jesus Really Born?

  When was Jesus really born? The date cannot truly be known for a certainty. Before we explore the possible dates of Jesus’ birth, we need to investigate a few pertinent factors before we can delve into the birth date.
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Will There Be A Millennium Temple?

  Many people believe that the Temple in Israel will be rebuilt in Jerusalem, on the Temple Mount, according to the Scriptures. Is that a realistic hope?
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Man-made Climate Change?

  Let us discuss the climate and the earth in relation to the current political climate on those issues
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Present with the Lord

When we die, will we be immediately in the presence of God? Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:1-10 In our passage, the Apostle Paul wrote:
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Christ Strengthens Me

The Apostle Paul wrote these words: “I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me.” This is my favorite verse in the entire Scripture.
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Modern Evangelicalism and its corollary the Church Growth Movement are distorting the Great Commission and the commission given us individually to be Christ’s witnesses. Witnessing is not a push to”get people saved.”
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Does Repentance Save Us?

Repentance is a part of the salvation process. The act of repentance, in itself, is not what saves us. It is faith in Jesus Christ as our Savior that saves us.
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Tribulation or Wrath?

Many are confused about the difference between tribulation and wrath. Many westerners have been taught that there is a future rapture of the church and then a tribulation against the Jews will take place. They have been taught that if … Continue reading
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Capitalism, is it Scriptural?

The answer the question in the title is yes, capitalism has its roots in Scripture. We will delve into that question further down in the article. First we must lay some groundwork.
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Why Was There Peace in Ancient Rome?

There is a news report that a well known businessman bases some decisions on the policies of Roman Emperor Augustus Caesar. The report says that the businessman is impressed that Augustus was able to
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Who Are God’s People?

God’s people are Israelites, plain and simple. God chose the children of Israel to be His Chosen People. By the children of Israel is meant the
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Is Christianity on the Decline?

You have probably heard that Christianity in America is on the decline and is on its way out; that it is just a matter of time until it disappears completely. We often hear that church
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Stop Trying to Fix Your Life

Stop trying to fix your life. You will never get that done. The impulses of the flesh are too strong for you to overcome. The difficulty in doing so is never ending, and it never works. Fixing your life yourself … Continue reading
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Gehenna (Γέεννα)

What is Gehenna? It is the English transliteration of the Greek word for the Hinnom Valley; the Hebrew transliteration is Gehinnom; both specify the Hinnom Valley. The valley itself runs from the south to the southwest
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Wednesday is Crucifixion Day

Wednesday is the day of the Crucifixion of Christ; Good Friday is not the day of the Crucifixion. In order to arrive at this conclusion we must go to the scriptures.
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Rom 8:24-25 For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for? (25) But if we hope for that we see not, then do we … Continue reading
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Sinner’s Prayer

When some evangelical churches offer an invitation at the end of the service, there are several things many do today that are incompatible with the Scriptures such as the sinner’s prayer. The ones I wish to discuss in this post … Continue reading
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Words Rendered “Hell” in the King James Version

The purpose of this essay is to help folks understand the reality of Hell. We understand that Hell is a place of torment as we see from the passage about Lazarus and the Rich man in
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6 Days Before Passover & Passion Week Graphic

The image at the end of this essay (below) is a graphic representation that lays out the narrative and timeline of the Crucifixion of Christ.It begins with the six days before Passover inscribed in John 12:1 and terminates with the … Continue reading
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The abbreviations BC and AD are no longer PC. Many American institutions have been infiltrated by the left, such as Federal and State governments, public schools, public buildings, parks, etc. Such institutions are changing or have changed BC to BCE, … Continue reading
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