Author Archives: Bro. Mark


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The Relationship between Israel and the Christian Church Bible Study Series

The Relationship between Israel and the Church Series This is a study of the Relationship between Israel and the Church in a series of posts. The series is a work in complete, so please feel free to browse the posts. … Continue reading
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Ephesians Bible Study Series

Ephesians Series This is a study of the entire book of Ephesians in a series of posts. The series is complete, so please feel free to browse the posts. Click anywhere on this paragraph to view the series.
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Revelation Bible Study Series

Revelation Series This is a study of the entire book of Revelation in a series of posts. The series is a work in progress, so please feel free to browse the posts currently available. Click anywhere on this paragraph to … Continue reading
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Romans Chapter 15

Rom 15:1  We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves. We who are stronger in our faith, must not belittle those weaker in the faith because their principles are not … Continue reading
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Romans Chapter 14

Romans 14:1  “Him that is weak in the faith receive ye, but not to doubtful disputations.” “Doubtful disputations,” are arguments about different opinions that are not essential for salvation. As a theologian once write “In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; … Continue reading
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Christ Strengthens Me

The Apostle Paul wrote these words: “I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me.” This is my favorite verse in the entire Scripture.
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Modern Evangelicalism and its corollary the Church Growth Movement are distorting the Great Commission and the commission given us individually to be Christ’s witnesses. Witnessing is not a push to”get people saved.”
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Revelation Chapter Seven

(Rev 7:1) And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on … Continue reading
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Revelation Chapter Six

(Rev 6:1) And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.
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Does Repentance Save Us?

Repentance is a part of the salvation process. The act of repentance, in itself, is not what saves us. It is faith in Jesus Christ as our Savior that saves us.
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If you are even marginally aware of the Scriptures you probably know how God dealt with Ancient Israel when they turned away from Him. For those not aware, when ancient Israel turned away from Yahweh God, He sent foreigners to … Continue reading
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Turn From Our Ways

Nearly all of us are familiar with this verse in the Bible: “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear … Continue reading
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Christianity is Necessarily Organized

I have oft heard the statement, “I believe in God but I dislike ‘organized religion.’” That is what we used to call a cop out. What is an organization? It is “a group of people who work together for an … Continue reading
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Life After Death—Does it Exist?

There is much confusion about what happens to a person after death. What is death? Does a person go directly to Heaven? To Hell? To Hades? To sleep? To Paradise? To torment? To judgment? To Abraham’s bosom?
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Scoffers in Our Day

The Apostle Peter wrote this, his Second Epistle or Letter to Christians dispersed throughout the Roman Empire and some places outside of the empire, such as India and even China (based on recent archaeological evidence).  
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Impeachment According to the US Constitution

Some American citizens, and also some citizens of other countries believe that impeachment removes the President of the United States from office. However, the Constitution states:
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The Elder Shall Serve the Younger

We humans are to serve Christ, Who is God. Paul tells us of the first man Adam who was made a living soul; and the last Adam, Who is Christ, was made a Quickening Spirit (1 Cor 15:45). The first … Continue reading
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Tribulation or Wrath?

Many are confused about the difference between tribulation and wrath. Many westerners have been taught that there is a future rapture of the church and then a tribulation against the Jews will take place. They have been taught that if … Continue reading
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Capitalism, is it Scriptural?

The answer the question in the title is yes, capitalism has its roots in Scripture. We will delve into that question further down in the article. First we must lay some groundwork.
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Why Was There Peace in Ancient Rome?

There is a news report that a well known businessman bases some decisions on the policies of Roman Emperor Augustus Caesar. The report says that the businessman is impressed that Augustus was able to
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Who Are God’s People?

God’s people are Israelites, plain and simple. God chose the children of Israel to be His Chosen People. By the children of Israel is meant the
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Is Christianity on the Decline?

You have probably heard that Christianity in America is on the decline and is on its way out; that it is just a matter of time until it disappears completely. We often hear that church
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